Subscription plans

Both subscription plans allow full use of the Bluewren Photos Suite functionality including:

  • Login to the Bluewren Manager to allow set up of users, photo maps and tags/sub-tags
  • Capturing of photo records using the Photo Record Tool (PRT)
  • Viewing, identification through filtering and search of photo records by anyone with the link using the Photo Viewer
  • Editing of photo records through the Editing Tool
All prices quoted are in Australian dollars and Exclude GST

To sign up and start using the Bluewren Photo Suite please contact us and we will arrange a login to get you started. Terms and Conditions of Use are found here 

Archiving of photo records

When you decide that a Photo map is complete, or at any time prior, and the photo records of a Photo map are required offline they can be provided as PDF photo reports or in electronic format including JPGs with metadata and databases as part of our Offline Photo Viewer package.

Also note you may store up to a maximum of 15,000 photo records in our cloud storage at any one time. You can capture more during your subscription time with additional fees as per the above, however you must archive additional records through one of the options below when you reach 15,000 records. Fees apply to the storage of more than 15,000 photo records at $10 per 1,000 photo records per month on a pro-rata basis.

The fees for these archiving services are:

PDF photo reports
  • Provided as a set of report style PDF files, one file per photo group.
  • Optionally you can limit your selection to specific Photo groups for PDF export, giving you the ability to progressively export completed groups.
  • $20 / PDF photo group report (please see note 1)
Offline Photo Viewer package
  • The Offline Photo Viewer package contains all the photos of a single Photo map, with the associated metadata, in a custom application specifically created for offline viewing. (please see note 2)
  • All the physical photo files are included as JPG files in a directory structure that will also enable you to interrogate or copy the photo records for other purposes.
  • Supplied as a single downloadable ZIP file (please see note 3)
  • $150 / photo map (please see note 4)

note 1: Photo group limit of 300 photos, or special request needs to be made.

note 2: The Photo Viewer is html based  and uses your internet browser for photo display (no .exe to store or run). It includes a small photo locator map which will operate if you have internet access at the time of using the viewer application.

note 3: Photo files do not  generally compress well, so ZIP file sizes can easily grow to multiple Gigabytes, i.e. if the Photo map contains 500 photos the ZIP file size could be around 2GB.

note 4: If there are too many photos in a Photo map, we can advise you on alternative delivery options.